Welcome Back!!
Date: 9th Sep 2018 @ 3:01pm
Welcome back after a long hot summer break!! For those of you that joined us, it won’t surprise you to hear that this year’s summer holiday club was one of the busiest yet, so we were blessed to have sunshine in abundance so that children could make good use of the outdoors as well as taking part in the numerous arts and craft activities that were on offer inside.
This year’s themes were based around a set of beautifully illustrated books so, over the space of 6 weeks, we looked at dinosaurs, under the sea, minibeasts, aliens and outer space, the jungle and Noah’s ark so things were pretty varied from week to week. Alongside this, children played freely, joined in with a number of sporting activities and scavenger hunts and made use the ICT suite (and the ICT suite’s air conditioning on some of the hottest days of the year). We look forward to welcoming children back for more of the same in October break.
Even though we have only been back in school for 3 days it really does feel like we haven’t been away and already children are settling straight back into the club routine. Well done new year 3s for transitioning so well. We are yet to welcome the majority of our new reception children (some of which we already know from preschool) but look forward to a gradual increase in reception age children as the weeks go on.
Thanks to our early starter scheme (where, by popular demand, we invite parents/carers to drop of 15 mins early for an extra £1) I had the pleasure of spending some of the money raised over the summer holiday, so children are now able to benefit from a few extra toys and resources. We have been able to replace a number of toys that didn’t survive the summer as well as provide children with footballs, small world toys (e.g. Littlest Pet Shop), new cushions, card games and a role play kitchen. We will be chatting with children over the next week or 2 to see how they wish to spend the rest of the money.
Sports courses are already up and running and we are pleased to welcome our new sports coach Matt to Woodlands. Football, dodgeball and gymnastics will take place after school every Monday – Wednesday for years 1 and 2. Reception children will be invited to join us in the new year after they have had a chance to settle into the school routine. All bookings need to be made on online via out iPal system.
Our ever-popular toddler group starts again this coming Wednesday morning. We are sad to have said goodbye to some of our regulars who have since started school but look forward to welcoming all our newcomers. Please do come along if you have a little one in need of an hour’s entertainment. The children love having the run of the hall and it only costs £1.50 per session per family. See you there!!