September 2023 (@ Whitby Heath)
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 11:47am
After a busy summer where we went on a ‘Pixar’ journey using all the Pixar films to inspire our daily crafts and activities, it is great to be back to some term-time normality. Saying that, there have been a lot of changes as you will probably be aware, including new staff, new resources and (dare I mention) new iPal ….!!!
On that note now is probably a good time to introduce myself to those of you that haven’t really met me before...
I have worked with S4YC for 13 years and have, up until now, been based at Woodlands whilst also being responsible for planning and resourcing after-school activities across the county. With Woodlands deciding to keep club ‘in-house’ and Steph venturing onto something new, it seemed like the perfect time for me to move across to manage club at Whitby Heath (bringing all the resources and toys with me!!) Prior to working with S4YC I studied art and music and completed a PGCE so you could say I have found myself the perfect job! What is even more perfect is that Whitby Heath was my own primary school (back in the days when the toilets were outdoors, and maypole dancing was all the rage!) so I feel right at home despite there being a lot more classes than I remember – who knew there were so many different types of tree??!!
Anyway, enough about me, let me tell you what we have been up to since the start of term …
It has been a pleasure getting to know so many new children and we hope that the children have also enjoyed getting to know us. Some of our older children are proving to be excellent ‘buddies’ not only to us but also to our new reception starters and have really taken the little ones under their wings as they get used to being in ‘big’ school.
As I stare out of the window at torrential rain, we are thankful to have had a few sunny days where children have enjoyed playing outside on the scooters, playing football and going on secret missions using the new walkie talkies (thank heavens for rechargeable batteries!!) We look forward to more outdoor fun in the winter months playing in our currently ‘un-assembled’ gazebo (which I plan to work on over the weekend!)
For those opting to stay inside, we have spent the last 3 weeks enjoying all the new toys from role play vets, superheroes, dressing up and board games to pool, table football and the PS3.
Alongside our free-play opportunities, we have also been following a timetable of art and craft activities in keeping with the time of year, special days etc. so have, in true 'start of term' fashion, been creatively learning about each other, getting used to being back at school and working together to set some ‘club rules’ as well as addressing any worries with a bit of help from our Worry Monster.
We have lots to look forward to in October where we will be exploring Space Week, Autumn, and Halloween with a ‘Harry Potter Book Day’ competition thrown in for good measure. For those of you who will be booking your child onto our October Half Term Holiday Club, make sure you book before 13th October to get a 20% discount (OCT23).
Talking of competitions, we have been invited to enter a ‘Perfect Pets’ competition where the winning club will receive £1000 … so we will be encouraging as many children as possible to take part over the coming weeks.
School has a few events planned over the coming weeks when we will be relocating to one of the Yr 6 classrooms for after school, but we will keep you informed ...!!
As I sign off for the month, I just want to thank you for making myself and the rest of the team feel so welcome - it really is a pleasure to be working here.