Hello Sunshine!
Date: 12th May 2017 @ 6:35am
It has been a glorious week at S4YC with the sun shining down on all of us. The sun couldn't have come at a better time with circumstances requiring infants and juniors to merge for breakfast club in the infant hall. Due to increasing numbers we are trying to find alternatives to all being together but am pleased to say that, despite being extremely busy, the children played together beautifully and, being able to use not only the hall but also go outside or stay in and have a quick 20 mins on the computers before school, was a blessing.
After school club has been varied this week with a number of sporting activities interspersed with crafts of a Mexican theme as is always the case at the beginning of May when we celebrate Cinqo de Mayo. Children started the week by making Pinata, Papel Picasa and Ojo de Dios which rapidly turned into hand made fidget spinners but, as ever, we quickly adapted to the children's ideas (if you can't beat them, join them ...!)
Another popular choice this week was rhythmic gymnastics where the children experimented with dancing ribbons (at the request of the juniors). As expected, it wasn't long before the ribbons were full of knots and the children found themselves bound to the nearest tree but we have already found ways to mend the ribbons and remove the knots so hope that, with a bit more practice, the children can enjoy many more sessions with them. We look forward to the arrival of some lovely new sparkly hoops early next week.
The infants were also able to try out a new den making kit this week. It seemed a little complicated to begin with but kept children (and staff) occupied for quite some time and almost resembled a den (or a cage as the case may be) by the time they had finished!!
Hopefully this beautiful weather will continue. If it does, don't forget to pop in a hat and apply sunscreen to keep your little ones safe in the sun.
Toddler group continues to go from strength to strength. Despite losing some of our more familiar faces to the preschool we are always happy to welcome any new parents and tots to come and join us. This week we had great fun getting messy with play dough and also made some beautiful kites and floral cards. Due to the unavailability of the infant hall on Wednesday 24th May we are inviting parents to come along between 9.10 am - 10.10 am and take the opportunity to pop into our new Seedling preschool down the corridor for an informal stay and play session.
Whit booking forms are now available to pick up from school/club or you can download one here: http://www.s4yc.co.uk/serve_file/167875
Make sure you book and pay for your child's place before Friday 19th May to be eligible for a discount.