Happy June!!
Date: 3rd Jun 2017 @ 9:53pm
It's been a busy couple of weeks at S4YC, so much so that I have struggled to keep up with the weekly blogs and June seems to have appeared out of nowhere so hopefully this will help you to catch up with what we have been up to. As promised, children were treated to some lovely new outdoor toys including ribbons, hoops and den making equipment. After two weeks (and a lot of enjoyment had by all) I am a little disappointed to say that all the new equipment has seen the wrath of little hands and we are back to square one but hopefully, after some discussions with the children, we hope to replace the outdoor equipment in the hope that it will last a little bit longer second time round!!
As well as exploring (and 're-inventing') new toys we have enjoyed a number of art and craft activities on a Maytime theme including floral cards and May inspired window art. We have also done a spot of cake decorating, den making, plenty of outdoor play and taken part in some informal chats on what it is to be a good friend and the effects of bullying (for no other reason than to raise awareness on a very important issue that crops up in all schools from time to time).
Where the juniors have been fortunate to have access to the school field on sunnier days, preschool and reception children have been lucky to enjoy some lovely sunny afternoons in the seedlings outdoor play area over the last couple of weeks. We are extremely lucky to have this beautiful age-appropriate area to utilise on some of our busier nights (and promise to take good care of it!!)
We had a lovely morning a couple of weeks ago when we opened up our new preschool area to our Wednesday parent and toddler group for a couple of hours to welcome in what we hope to be Seedlings of the future. It was one of our busiest sessions so far and the children had a wonderful time exploring activities both indoors and out. We hope to plan another play and stay morning before school closes for the summer.
This blog wouldn't be complete without sharing news of our most recent holiday club. It was a pleasure to welcome children from Whitby Heath, Sutton Green, Christ Church and other local schools who got on extremely well with our Woodlands children. Children enjoyed much of their time outdoors interspersed with crafts inspired by Beauty and the Beast, computer based activities, free play, film clubs, baking and a spot of Zumba. A lot of fun was had by all, staff included!!
As we start back on Monday we will be picking up with sports clubs where we left off so don't forget to hand in your child's sport booking form (with payment) to ensure they are on the register. Forms can be downloaded from the following link:http://www.s4yc.co.uk/serve_file/180730
For those of you that like to be organised in advance, summer holiday club booking forms are also available so please ask in club or download a form from the website for further details: http://www.s4yc.co.uk/serve_file/181406
As well as the usual sports courses the play scheme is likely to be based on a number of children's movies this year such as Moana, Trolls, Kung Fu Panda, Finding Dory etc so it looks to be a very varied and enjoyable summer.