5th - 9th June 2017

Date: 9th Jun 2017 @ 1:51pm

Despite the changeable weather this week, S4YC has been a hive of activity, both indoors and out, with children proving to be extremely active after their half term break.  The juniors in particular have enjoyed creating obstacle courses and gymnastic routines, even managing to persuade a number of staff to come and join them in a spot of keep fit!!  



Whilst the juniors enjoyed a number of arts and craft activities on a butterfly theme the infants did some window art to celebrate World Environment Day.



The infants also enjoyed looking at shapes and creating some creative shape pictures ranging from rockets to clowns (with stories to tell about each).  It resulted in some great collaborative masterpieces (even if there were a few arguments and a lot of photocopying when it came to choosing who took the pictures home!)



Children were excited to trial some new glitter paints this week with some very lovely results.  The level of concentration shown by all children was a shock to us all - needless to say I will be purchasing more sparkly glitter paints in the coming days!!


After lots of offers of help from the infants on Wednesday morning (who tried and tested the toys before toddler group) our parent and toddler group was busier than ever with 18 little ones joining us.  It is a joy to see the children not only grow in size but also in confidence as they get ever closer to starting preschool.  We hope to see some of the children join our seedlings preschool and look forward to another play and stay session in the very near future.



Football and gymnastics were well attended again this week (despite the weather) and it was lovely to have our regulars sign up for the final course of the school year.  We have lost some of our older children to the Monday science course so places have become available if any children would still like to sign up for football with Mr Mills on a Monday. 



Finally, we are pleased to say we have another fun-filled summer of activities available to you over the holiday period.  Booking forms should be making their way home to you during the week but, if you can't wait that long, you can download a form by clicking on the following link: http://www.s4yc.co.uk/serve_file/181406