14th - 18th November 2016
Date: 18th Nov 2016 @ 11:17am
This week in out of school club we have joined forces with school and focused on a number of special days including anti bullying day and children in need. Through doing this we have taken time out to think of others above ourselves and it has been quite an eye opener to see how caring and thoughtful our out of school children are. The infants especially have explored what it is to use 'kind words' and have been prompted to stop and think before saying something that may cause upset to others.
As part of the topic we have designed posters and looked at each other's unique talents and qualities by making super hero masks and talking about ourselves and what our superhero masks represent.
The juniors have had an extremely active week and are exploring more and more physically active games to play in the hall when the weather prevents them from playing outside.
By splitting the hall into 2 halves (an active half and a quieter more creative half) more of the children are engaging in activities that suit them.
Children have also spent the week mastering the new 'guitar hero' xbox game which we hope to add to when funds allow.
Towards the end of the week both infants and juniors made Pudsey Bear inspired masks and spotty cupcakes as part of the Children in Need day.
Next week we will mainly focus on US thanksgiving so will be giving thanks for a number of things including our families, friends, food, our homes etc and sparing a thought for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.